Link to Laws and Regulations from the Ministry of Interior
Link to Acts of Parliament from the Ministry of Welfare
Extradition of Criminals and Other Assistance in Criminal Proceedings Act No. 13, 17th April 1984
Act on the Judiciary No.15/1998
Inheritance Act No. 8, 14 March 1962 With subsequent amendments No. 29/1985, 48/1989, 86/1989, 20/1991, 91/1991, 174/2000.
Police Act no. 90 13th June 1996 With amendments as made through to 14 April 2000
Act On Legal Competence No.71/1997
Adoption Act N°130/1999
Act on the Protection of Privacy as regards the Processing of Personal Data, No. 77/2000 of May 10, 2000 as amended by Act No. 90/2001, Act No. 30/2002, Act No. 81/2002 and Act no. 46/2003.