You can order the eight following publications:
1. Mannréttindi í stjórnarskrá (Human Rights in the Icelandic Constitution): four presentations from a meeting held by the Icelandic Human Rights Center, the Icelandic Bar Association and the Icelandic Lawyers Association on December 1 1994. 950 kr.
2. Mannréttindastarf Sameinuðu þjóðanna by Guðmundur S. Alfreðsson og Jakob Th. Möller (specially printed from Úlfljótur). 950 kr.
3. Universal Justice Through International Criminal Law. A report from the International Criminal Law Symposium in Rome, April 1996. By Jónatan Þórmundsson, professor at the University of Iceland‘s law department and Robert A. Spano, former lawyer for the Althing‘s Ombudsman. 950 kr.
4. Our Dreams Will never Die: The Struggle for Self-Determination of East Timor. By Jose Ramos Horta. 950 kr.
5. Mannréttindadómstóll Evrópu: Stefnumótandi áhrif á landsrétt (The European Court of Human Rights: Influence on National Courts). Theme: judgements in cases where individuals have undergone a sex change. By the human rights group of ELSA in Iceland with a grant from the Icelandic Human Rights Center. 950 kr.
6. Peoples‘ Europe: Aspects of Democracy in the European Union. By Lilja Sturludóttir, human rights lawyer (law and LLM in human rights). Based on her master‘s thesis from the Raoul Wallenberg institution in Lund 1998. 950 kr.
7. Pater Est – aðild þriðja manns að véfengingarmáli. Research done be the human rights group of ELSA in Iceland with a grant from the Icelandic Human Rights Center. 950 kr.
8. National Human Rights Institutions. Report by Guðrún Dögg Guðmundsdóttir, Erna Sif Jónsdóttir, Linda B. Guðrúnardóttir and Sandra Lyngdorf with support from the Icelandic Human Right´s research fund and the Ministry of Justice and Ecclesiastical Affairs. The report costs 1500 kr.
9. Réttarstaða transgender fólks á Íslandi. A report on the rights of transgender people in Iceland was recently published by the Icelandic Human Rights Centre. The writers are Sandra Lyngdorf, Kolbrún Birna Árdal, Erna Sif Jónsdóttir, Guðrún Dögg Guðmundsdóttir and Jóna Aðalheiður Pálmadóttir. The publication is supported by the ICEHR's research fund, the ministry of interior and ministry of welfare. The report is free of charge and is available at ICEHR office or here as a pdf file.
To order publications please send email to including name, address, phone number and the name/s of the publication/s. Afterwards, please send the exact price to account number 06563, bank 101, account book 26. When we've received the receipt for the payment, we'll send the order to the receivers address. It's also possible to buy the books at the Icelandic Human Rights Centre on weekdays between 9 am and 4 pm.
Human Rights in Development Yearbook, Nordic Human Rights Publications, Oslo, from the year 1994.
5000 kr.
The Icelandic Human Rights Center was also a participant to the publication of the Human Rights Development Yearbook, which addresses the policy of human rights issues in third world countries. In addition to the Icelandic Human Rights Center, the Christian Michelsen Institution in Bergen, the Danish Human Rights Center, the Ludwig Boltzmann Institution in Vienna, the Dutch Human Rights Center in Utrecth, the Norwegian Human Rights Center in Oslo and the Raoul Wallenber Institution in Lund were participants to the publication.
There are some copies still available at the Centre.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights - A Common Standard of Achievement by Guðmundur Alfreðsson and Asbjørn Eide (eds.), Haag, 1999.
6000 kr. - some copies left.
On the anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights the nordic human rights centers published together the book The Universal Declaration of Human Rights – A Common Standard of Achievement, which contains a discussion on each article of the declaration. Guðmundur Alfreðsson and Asbjörn Eide edited the book in addition to being authors. Other Icelandic authors included: Ágúst Þór Árnason, Gunnar G. Schram, Jakob Th. Möller, Páll Þórhallsson and Ragnar Aðalsteinsson.
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: A Textbook, Second Revised Edition. Edited by Asbjørn Eide, Catarina Krause, and Allan Rosas. Kluwer Law International, Hag, 2001.
7000 kr. - Sold out
Nordic Journal of Human Rights
The Icelandic Human Rights Center was a participant in the publication of the Nordic Journal of Human Rights (before called Mennesker og rettigheter) which is the only specialized publication on human rights in the nordic countries. You can subscribe to the publication or buy it from Universitetsforlaget in Oslo.