General Information

The purpose and aim of the Icelandic Human Rights Centre is to promote human rights by collecting information on and raising awareness of human rights issues in Iceland and abroad. The Centre works to make human rights information accessible to the public by organising conferences and seminars on human rights issues and by providing human rights education and preparing shadow reports to international human rights monitoring bodies. In addition, the Centre serves a monitoring role and has, since its inception, commented on dozens of bills of law and provided information to international monitoring bodies on the state of human rights in Iceland. Furthermore, the Centre works in international for a, i.e. NGO-coalition for an optional protocol to the international convention on economic, social and cultural rights, Association of Human Rights Institutes, the Human Rights Education Project. The Centre works closely with its partner organisations in the Nordic countries.

Icelandic Human Rights Centre

Túngata 14 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími 552 2720 | info[at]

The office is open from 9-12 and 13-16