Conferences and Symposia

Conferences, seminars and lectures are organized by the Icelandic Human Rights Centre on a regular basis.

In 2011 the Centre organized various events; such as an awareness raising  seminar on Equality and non- discrimination targeted at civil society organizations, a symposia on Economic, social and cultural rights as a follow up on the publishing of a book on the subject, "Human Rights in Crisis" (Mannréttindi í þrengingum).

In 2005 the Centre organized, in co-operation with the Human Rights Institute at the University of Iceland, a large conference on the Human Rights Provisions of the Icelandic Constitution. The Centre also organised symposia and conferences on the following topics:

  • Crime and impunity:: violence in the home
  • Judicial status of refugees and asylum seekers in Iceland
  • The need for legal reform to combat gender based violence
  • Racism in Iceland

In addition the Center participated in the organisation of a Nordic Roundtable on Protocol 12 to the ECHR.

Icelandic Human Rights Centre

Túngata 14 | 101 Reykjavík | Sími 552 2720 | info[at]

The office is open from 9-12 and 13-16