Collaborative projects
The documentary ETHNIC KITCHEN screened in Bíó Paradís on March 8th at 5 pm.
In celebration of International Women's day the documentary ETHNIC KITCHEN about five women who moved to Lithuania from different countries, at different times, and for different reasons is screened in Bíó Paradís at 5 pm that day.
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Fair School - Equal Chances for all Children - project funded by the EEA grants
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Viltu Business?
1 Nov
1 Nov
Viltu Business? Entrepreneurship in Iceland
November 1st at 14:00 to 17:00
Bíó Paradís, Hverfisgata 54, 101 Reykjavik
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Hatespeech. Overview of existing legislation - suggestions for the future.
The publication is intended to be an overview of hate speech, the situation in Iceland and the national legislation pertaining to these matters.
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Réttindi transgender fólks á Íslandi (The Rights of Transgender People in Iceland)
Up until recently, there was no comprehensive legislation on the rights of transsexuals in Iceland but there is one in many of our neighbouring countries. The legal status of transsexuals in Iceland had been very unclear, expecially for those who have not had or finished, or don't want a full gender reassignment treatment.
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Mannréttindi í þrengingum (Human Rights in Recession)
The purpose of this book is to enlighten both the government and the public about economic, social and cultural rights and the necessity that they are respected when times are good but also when hardships occur.
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Bann við mismunun (Prohibitition of discrimination/Non-discrimination)
In spring of 2011, this handbook was published and its main purpose is to introduce the EU directives which deal with equal rights regarding race, ethnic origin, religion or philosophy, disability and sexual orientation and the ideology which lies behind them.
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The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
CEDAW had its 30 year anniversary in December of 2009. In the occasion of that the ICEHR published a new copy of the Convention for educational purposes in cooperation with UN Women in Iceland, The Minstry of Social Affairs and Social Security, Center for Gender Equality and The Foreign Ministry.
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Mannréttindayfirlýsing Sameinuðu þjóðanna (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
On 10th of December in 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted and in 2008 it had its 60th anniversary. In the occasion of that, the Declaration was published in a new copy with Icelandic translation
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