Hatespeech. Overview of existing legislation - suggestions for the future.

Hatespeech. Overview of existing legislation - suggestions for the future.
Hate speech.

The publication is intended to be an overview of hate speech, the situation in Iceland and the national legislation pertaining to these matters. In addition an overview is given on international legislation on hate speech and actions to combat it, such as awareness raising and education about the diversity of the community. Finally the interaction between freedom of expression and the prohibition of hate speech is discussed and contemplated if there is a need for revision of laws in Iceland in relation to hate speech and that the government lays down a comprehensive and holistic strategy to fight against hate speech.

The report was written by Jóna Aðalheiður Pálmadóttir and Iuliana Kalenikova. The work was funded by the Ministry of the Interior.

The report is free and only published online and is accessible here as a pdf.

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