The fee for applying for citizenship to Alþingi is 27.000 ISK. You can pay this fee via bank transfer. You must pay the fee before applying and attach the payment receipt to your application.
As reference of the payment, you must put your date of birth and your name.
For domestic transfers:
Account number: 0515-26-410424
ID number: 670269-6399
For international transfers:
IBAN: IS05 0515 26 410424 670269 6399
Bank name: Íslandsbanki hf.
Bank location: Suðurlandsbraut 14, 108 Reykjavík, Iceland
Please note, that there might be a fee for international transfers at your bank that you will have to pay extra. Otherwise, it will be deducted from the 27.000 ISK and you will not have paid a sufficient fee.